“Eye for colour”
July 15th 2017
My name is Sean Welch and I live in the glitzy and glamorous northern English city of Hull, East Yorkshire. Photography is a pleasure. Photography allows me to make something, start to finish. I think the satisfaction in creating an end product is an overlooked and underrated joy. It’s like being a carpenter but without the sawdust, splinters and missing fingers. Finally, with the modern camera, we have an avenue for the keen and untrained to make art. To me, candid street photography is the most authentic and attractive art this side of music. It’s a thoroughly self-indulgent pastime with the curious, ironic consequence of making connections, through random conversations on the street or through social media with like-minded obsessives all over the world. My method involves ambling around the town with quite limited technical skill but a fanatical eye for colour, composition and serendipity. The limit of my ambition is to surprise myself and make something beautiful.